When I'm not in Alaska, the thing I miss most is always family. So it's no surprise that the thing that the thing I've enjoyed most is hanging out with family again. For the first time in several years, all my mom's kids (and now grandkid too) were together.

Fishing was first on the agenda, which was successful as usual, but I only got one 20-pounder. My 50 pound goal has yet to be achieved.

Ya, that's me in all those clothes on a hot Alaskan summer day. :)
We went camping and did a little tubing on the lake. Actually I didn't brave the 43 degree water on a 53 degree day. No thanks! But my sister and niece did. (No wetsuits - just swimming suits.) Crazy girls! I will admit that some of the Alaskan has left me after all that Kenyan sun.

We tugged the inner-tube with the fishing boat. Fishing boats can be used for all purposes!
Seeing "adopted" family has been a great joy as well. My best friends, Micah and Marla, whom I haven't seen in two years, visited with their two sweet daughters.

Marla and I, true Alaskan girls, wanted to enjoy a dip in the cold lake.

However, living in Brazil and Kenya has thinned our blood, so we took precautions... survival suits!
We got quite a laugh out of our astronaut-like gear, but had a good swim even though we couldn't sunbathe.
My dear family, I love you very much. Thank you for being a support to me always. I have been very blessed by this visit, more than I can express.