Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nairobi Slums

My part of Nairobi is full of mansions, the United Nations, and beautiful landscaping. It's far from city center and most of the 4 million who live in the city. Much of Nairobi is made up of ghettos and slums, where many Kenyans live crammed together in conditions that vary from those in my part of the city.

My roommate, Christa, and her fiance, Stanley, attend church in one of these crowded areas. Stanley works at the church and together they've started a youth ministry there. The church has been in the process of being built for six years and will eventually seat two to three thousand people when it is finished. Although it has re barb sticking out and a pile of rocks sitting in the middle of the building, it has a great view of the area from the roof (about three stories high).

In the picture above you can see the second largest garbage dump in the world. It sits in the top left hand corner of the photo. About 1,000 families live there as well as many orphans who have no home, are abused, and don't have access to food or school. Feeding these children and trying to get them into school and homes is another ministry Stanley's and Christa's church is involved with.
There are many fun things about this church, and I have enjoyed attending on several occasions. One of my favorite things is the kids. The little girls below became my best friends when I let them wear my sunglasses. Aren't they cute?!

If you come visit me in Nairobi, I'll take you to this church. It's a great Kenyan experience, and the people are some of the best in the world!


  1. Thank you for sharing! I WiSH I cold come visit! Well... you never know, right? I love you and am praying for ya! *hug*

  2. Wow- What amazing pictures...
    I would love to visit you as well- I'll be praying about this as well as you and your friends and students.
    Blessings- Emily
