Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Daily Bread

I've been asked by friends and grandparents what I eat each day, so here was today's menu...

Breakfast was the usual.
* brown bread (it's not called "wheat" here) with margarine and jam (real butter is too expensive - $4 for one cube)
* vanilla yogurt
* "sweet bananas" (they're tiny bananas that I LOVE, my new favorite fruit)
* granola (store bought - Marla I need your recipe)
* filtered water

Lunch is always Kenyan on Tuesdays.
I buy it at school.
* chapati - thick bready tortillas
* bean soup - like lentils

Dinner was left-overs tonight.
* chicken in a sweet and sour sauce
* rice with a Portuguese spice packet mixed in
* all wrapped in a tortilla (which we buy from a parent at school whose house worker makes them)
* vanilla flavored milk (It's my weakness. I won't buy regular milk, but chocolate and vanilla frequent my grocery cart. It's like drinking a milk shake without the ice cream. It's good!)

The weekend menu looks a little different. On non-school nights I go out to eat to Indian, Ethiopian, American, Chinese, etc. There are no American fast food restaurants here, but Nairobi makes up for it with its African and Asian cuisine. I have some great places to take anyone who comes to visit!


  1. I love chapati!!! Makes me want to make myself some. Good thing I know how to make it:)

  2. This doesn't look to bad :) I love to discover new food, that's one of the nice things with living in Brazil and what opened my heart to cooking.

    You seem to be doing good in Kenya Kim, I'm glad. I'll keep praying for you and following you a bit more. *btw, my email program crashed so I never replied to you because of that and then time just flew by , you know :)

