Saturday, April 28, 2012


Where is home?  We had this conversation at the faculty lunch table this week, laughing at the irony of the word "home" for expats.

Home is Budapest.
Home is "back home" where our families live.
Home is where our community is.
Home is where we once lived.
Home can be said for two different places in the same sentence.
Home can be our permanent address where we have never actually lived.
Or the state on our driver's license.
Home is where there are people who love us.

This summer we're going "back home" to visit family.  "Home" meaning the U.S.  I'm not even making it up to Alaska this time and still it's called "home".  Then we're coming "home" to Budapest, where we live and work and go about our regular routines.

It's a funny word.


  1. Welcome home, then. You will only be two states away for a little while. Nice to have you back.

    Love and God Bless,
    Sue G.

  2. Sue, we're not back in the States yet. Still have a school year to finish.. :) Soon enough.
