This is what the month of December has held for us...
New flowers blooming on our patio.

We cooked chili and cornbread,

But we added 2 tbsp of Kenyan chili powder, instead of American chili powder, so the chili was HOT! Next time remember, Kenyan chili powder is a LOT hotter than the recipes call for.

Made tortillas for tacos. Can't wait to eat Mexican food in America! Can't wait to buy tortillas at the store!

This is the extent of our Christmas decor at home - cards. Will took the Christmas tree to the Children's Center, since we won't be home to use it, and they loved decorating it! They should keep it anyway. More people to enjoy it there, than in our little flat.

One of my students made me a birthday cake, so I celebrated with my class and received beautiful hand-made cards throughout the day.

We had Roman Day at school, after studying Ancient Rome all term. The day included some military battles, a big Roman feast, and going to the "Roman baths".

While the boys swam in the "Roman baths" (swimming pool), the girls relaxed and chatted away. Sarah, my co-worker, and I got the girls to give us massages. Great way to spend a school day! I'm an advocate of child labor. :)

The rest of our December will be spent in the wintery cold of America hugging and hanging with family and friends. I can't wait! This girl needs some much needed rest and a bit of a break from Kenyan chaos (even with the year 4 masseuses).