Monday, April 14, 2008

Vaccinated & Visa

I am now vaccinated against yellow fever, meningitis, and typhoid. I also got my Kenya visa this week. Two things are checked off my list, and my departure date is fast approaching. Moving to Nairobi is becoming more of a reality each day. I'm excited!


  1. My dearest Kimberly, always the brave one. I think it is so great you are goint to Kenya. If I wasn't married I'd be begging for you to take me with you. As you prepare to leave, be of good cheer. Life is to short for fears and God has wonderful things in store for the faithful follower. You have a skill to offer (I'm sure you are a gifted teacher) and it seems He has given you a wonderful opportunity. God Bless and stay brave!

    love and prayers,


  2. I'm glad you won't get yellow fever. That wouldn't be good. Of course, I'm really excited that you got your visa...nice work!

  3. Hooray! Two big things done! For the list maker in you, that probably feels good to check off! It's so nice to keep updated on your progress in this adventure~aren't blogs wonderful? We (Amber and I) are enjoying your blog! By the way, Amber is game for June, but Mun can't make it.

    ~Teddi and Amber
