Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

This week in Budapest we didn't shoot off fireworks or have a BBQ or wear red, white and blue.  It was a day like any other in July - a hot one in the middle of the week.  But this week we did visit Momento Park, a museum containing the remains of Communist statues throughout Hungary.  With this visit and my own country's celebration this week, it got me thinking about freedom.  Not just in my home country, but in so many countries around the world that have experienced oppression.  (Some that still are.)

In 1945 Russia liberated Hungary from the Nazis.  
Soviet communism took root. 
A statue of Stalin erected in Budapest
when the Soviets took power.
In 1956 Hungarians rebelled against their oppressors.
For several months they fought, only to be demolished by military force in the end.
October 1956 Hungarians tore down the metal statue of Stalin,
cutting him at the legs and pulling him down by the neck.
Communism under Soviet control continued until 1989.
Freedom was not immediate, but a new Hungary arose in 1990.
And Communist statutes and memorials were removed from cities and towns.
Stalin's feet are all that remain today.
Picture taken July 3, 2013 in Momento Park, Budapest.
 Today you can find the remains of these Communist artifacts
at Momento Park in Budapest.
We visited this week...

So many countries have been ruled by others.  Some countries are still being oppressed... South Sudan, Somalia, Turkmenistan, South Korea.  Some are overthrowing their dictators this week... Egypt.  On this American Independence Day I want to celebrate with all countries who have overcome and pray for those who are in the midst of overcoming.  Happy Independence Day!

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