Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's cold in Budapest!

When I looked at the temperature on Friday, it was colder in Budapest than my home town in Alaska. Winter has come to Hungary!
On Saturday morning it started snowing...
And it kept snowing all day...
We went out and enjoyed it...
A little stroll...
A little shopping...
A little time with friends...
Sunday night is supposed to bring 3 or 4 more inches...
Everyone is hoping for a snow day at school...
I'm not holding my breath...
But I am enjoying the snow in this beautiful city!


  1. Do you have central heating or are you reliant on wood stoves or space heaters? In Kosovo it was all wood burning stoves, but Budapest is more developed...just wondering.

  2. We have good old fashioned radiators that can really heat up. Even the old buildings have central heating. The only problem is that natural gas is so expensive! So we heat only the rooms we're using at that time. Lucky for us, all the rooms have doors - even the living room. Keep that heat trapped!

  3. love the pictures, looks like fun!!!
