Sunday, October 24, 2010
Check it out!
Limuru Children's Center was featured on a BBC special. You can see Will's kids, his Kenyan brother Patrick, and even Will in the background here and there. Check out these kids we love!
After vacation...
I got off the plane today in Nairobi after a wonderful week at the beach... The savannah greeted me with acacia trees lining the horizon. The glorious and much needed rain was still puddled on the side of the road. Even traffic was smooth (yea for Sundays). And it all reminded me of when I first came here and everything I saw was exciting and new and African. I was reminded of this at the beach as well while driving to our cottage, passing huts and fruit stands and women with bundles on their heads. I think after two and a half years of living here, I forget how cool some things in Kenya can be. When I get off our chaotic and annoying street in the city, Kenya is a beautiful place. In Limuru we have friends and family that we are invested in.

At the beach we are spoiled with the white sand and warm Indian Ocean.

In Nairobi we have friends who we can share our lives with.

Despite my frustrations this year with Kenya and the hard things that have come our way in the last year, Kenya has given me so many good things. And I'm grateful for it all!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Our Dear Doris
Living in the city this year has made me miss our old home in the Kenyan country-side. I miss the fresh air, the beautiful scenery, and most of all our friends and "family" there. Lately, Doris has been in my thoughts a lot.

Doris works at the volunteer house where we used to live in Limuru. She takes care of everyone who comes in and out of the house. She teases Will all the time. She makes the best lintils, chapati, and mokimo ever! She has the best smile. And she is one of the sweetest ladies you'll ever meet. I miss seeing her each day and getting the update on her two sweet girls. I miss helping her fold sheets. I miss her smile and the way she says, "Hiii Kim," and gives me a hug. I think it's time to get back to Limuru!
If you think of Doris... Pray for her as she raises her two girls, pays for their school fees, and supports her family. Pray she will be blessed by friends and family and work. Pray she will be encouraged in the upcoming days.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The people we meet...
One of the fun things about living in Kenya is the opportunity to hang out with people we otherwise would never get the chance to meet. Like Joe and Linda. They are from the UK originally. Linda serves on the board for the children's center, and Joe has lived in Kenya forever. His kids grew up here and his daughter even went to Braeburn School (where I work). They built a beautiful home near my old school and have had the kids from the center over for BBQ's and swimming parties. They're super generous people who are very down-to-earth. Will got close to them through the children's center, and I started tagging along when we got married.
On Thursday night they invited us to their country club - a 100 year old colonial club that still boasts the "men's bar" where cigar smoke and testosterone are pungent. Stuffed lions killed in 1914 still decorate the interior, and of course, proper dress is required. Dinner, drinks, and old colonial British experience made for an interesting night. And it made me think... We would never have this experience living in America. Our white skin and small international community provide us with some unique experiences in Kenya. I like the people we meet living here. Always interesting.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
My Story
I'm near the end of Donald Miller's book "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years", and it's got me thinking... What kind of story do I want my life to be? The premise of the book is Don's journey to find what he wants his life story to entail, like the stories of movies and books, full of adventure. For those of you who don't know Donald Miller, he's a Generation X-er from Portland, Oregon. So his perspective about life strikes me easily.

So now I'm trying to think... What would make my story worth telling? I know I want it to be a story where other people are helped, became happier, and feel loved. What does that entail? I don't know. Still asking God to show me a good story.
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