We visited Pittock Mansion in Portland, which is something my mom has wanted to do since I went to college in Oregon in 1996. (I'm getting old - that was over a decade ago!)
God blessed us with a gorgeous day at the Oregon coast where Mom got to explore the tide pools.
On our tour we went to the graves of my ancestors. Here is the grave of my great, great, great grandmother, Emily McPherson, who came to Oregon on the transcontinental railroad with her young children after her husband died in Oklahoma.
My mom even went on a field trip with my class and me for our study of pioneers in Oregon. Here you can see we dressed for the occasion.
I don't think it mattered what we did, I was very blessed with my mom's visit and getting some alone time with her. It was fun to show her my world, even though it's changing in two and a half months. I look forward to doing it again in Kenya! Thanks for coming Mom. I love you!