Thursday, July 26, 2012

Jet Lag

Some people say they don't get jet lag.  I don't believe it.  Some people are better at getting through it than others.  My husband for example recovers in a day or two, while me...  About a week to really feel normal again.  This round of the blasted lag has been particularly brutal.  Why?  I think I've pinned it down to no motivation to get up before noon.  It's still summer.  Work is a few weeks away.  Might as well sleep in.  And it's killing me!  Drugs (Benadryl, Night Nurse, Ambien, whatever you take) help me get through the night, but I will admit to a sleepy hangover the next morning.  About day 3 (this time around) I set my alarm for 9:30 and forced myself to get out of bed at 10.  Time to get back into a routine - go running.  OMG!  My body felt like it had been through a meat grinder, sore before I even started.  But I pressed on (walking most of the way, I'll admit) and felt better that day (after a nap).  It's now day nine and I'm up at 5am.  After sitting in bed for 30 minutes feeling my stomach gargle "feed me", I decided to just get up and eat something.  Might as well check Facebook too.  Maybe getting older has an impact on jet lag?  I'm thinking so.  Either way - jet lag needs to be remedied soon.  I will have to go to work eventually.  Any good solutions for jet lag out there?  (And please don't say meletonin, your body's natural drug - kept me up on a 15 hour flight once!)  In desperate need of a drug free normal night's sleep.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Music to my ears.

For four weeks I've heard English every day.  Only English.  When we arrived at the Dallas airport on our way back to Budapest, the sounds began to change.  Spanish speakers sitting next to us in the terminal.  Hindi spoken in the next row on the plane.  Arabic behind us.  We were getting closer to home, where the linguistic variety is comforting.  Closer to a place where multiple languages are heard daily.  Not always understanding every word spoken around me feels like home.  I like that.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Home Turf

Upon landing in Portland, I had a sudden feeling of nerves.  Why?  I couldn't pinpoint it, but it quickly subsided as I walked into PDX, my old home airport.  There was something settling about the green and blue criss-cross carpet and the REI gear everyone was wearing.  These are my people.  This is the place in America I fit the best.  I was reminded again and again of this while talking politics with friends or education with Grandpa or family drama with Mom.  If I were to pick somewhere in America to live, it would still be the Northwest.  My voice can get a twang from being in the South, I can listen to the ideas of an East Coast friend, and I can understand the small town view of my mid-west coworkers.  But I still feel the most like those from the Northwest.  I think I forget this sometimes as I'm exposed to more Americans from my ventures abroad.  But family and friends reminded me that I'm still an American girl no matter how far I go.  So thank you to all my family and friends for a wonderful trip to Oregon!  Next time, I'll drag Will along.

(Ok, most of these pictures are old, but they'll have to do because I forgot my camera in Budapest.)

Sweet Bekah

Newberg Friends

Kelsey Girls

 Grandma and Grandpa


12 Years Ago...

In 2000 nine girls went out into the world to seek their fortunes.  Nine weddings, loads of kids, many jobs, and a few countries later, the nine girls returned to share their adventures.  (Two returned in spirit.)  What did they learn?

In 2000 we thought we were cool.  Apparently, after looking at some of our old photos, we were NOT!

We've all changed.

We've all stayed the same.

True friends can always pick up right where they left off.

Each one has had her struggles.  Each one has been made stronger.

Our topics of discussion have changed a bit - from writing papers, dates, and boys... to kids, husbands, sex, and work.

Laughing together has not changed.

After 12 years, true friends are still true friends.

Hiking in Oregon - green and gorgeous!

Aunt Kimmie got in some baby time with the two newest Kelsey additions.

Walks on the beach.

Look at those cute butts!

Lots of relaxing and talking.

Kelsey Girls, I love you and thank you for an amazing week together!