Friday, December 9, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

The last three Christmases looked like this:
80 degrees, a nice sun tan, swimming pools, and flowers blooming never quite felt like Christmas for this Alaska girl.

This year Christmas looks like this:
Christmas markets, mulled wine, lights hung, wooly hats, my HUGE new warm parka... It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And feel like it too... Brrr! But my first European Christmas definitely puts me in the Christmas spirit! It's even inspired the making of 5 stockings and a tree skirt (thank you pinterest).

1 comment:

  1. Kim,thank you for the reminder to pray for Jess. Although she does come to mind for prayer, we all can be distracted by life and we need people to champion for others. Blessings dear lady while you enjoy this special Christmas and the coming year.

    Sue G.
