On Saturday our friends, Kim and Than, rolled up to the flat a bit earlier than we agreed for a fun day of rock climbing about an hour outside the city in Lukenya. We started at the top of the cliffs where Kim and Than set up our ropes, and Will and I admired the view.

After the ropes were set up we belayed down the rock face.

Then it was time to climb! Kim kicked all our butts. Go girl!

Than's turn.

This was my first time rock climbing. My first attempt I made it part way. On my second attempt I made it to the top! (I will admit I needed a bit of a boost at the tough start.)

Will kept me safe with the rope.

The four of us after a great day of climbing.

My first rock climbing experience was great. I'm ready to go again. Thank you Kim and Than for the fun experience. Getting outside of the city and breathing fresh air was such a great way to spend the weekend and remind me of how beautiful Kenya can be.
Of course, Kenya always gives us a good laugh, like this astro-turf car we saw while driving out of the mountains. Yep, it's covered in mini-golf green. Gotta love it!