Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rock Climbing

On Saturday our friends, Kim and Than, rolled up to the flat a bit earlier than we agreed for a fun day of rock climbing about an hour outside the city in Lukenya. We started at the top of the cliffs where Kim and Than set up our ropes, and Will and I admired the view.
After the ropes were set up we belayed down the rock face.
Then it was time to climb! Kim kicked all our butts. Go girl!
Than's turn.
This was my first time rock climbing. My first attempt I made it part way. On my second attempt I made it to the top! (I will admit I needed a bit of a boost at the tough start.)
Will kept me safe with the rope.
The four of us after a great day of climbing.
My first rock climbing experience was great. I'm ready to go again. Thank you Kim and Than for the fun experience. Getting outside of the city and breathing fresh air was such a great way to spend the weekend and remind me of how beautiful Kenya can be.

Of course, Kenya always gives us a good laugh, like this astro-turf car we saw while driving out of the mountains. Yep, it's covered in mini-golf green. Gotta love it!

Monday, February 21, 2011

An interesting blog...

This blog gives some interesting perspectives on NGO's (Non-Government Organizations) and voluntourism:

Check it out!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I used to be an optimistic person.

But now... I'm cynical and frustrated.

I see missionaries treat their house workers poorly by paying them way below minimum wage. I watch organizations that are supposed to provide relief and help to Kenyans "in the name of Christ", put most of their funds in white people's pockets, giving themselves big salaries, and the Kenyans working for them so little. Friends of mine, even, who could easily afford to hire a single mother full-time, but don't. While she struggles to feed her kids, they can't hand over a few more shillings a month.

Why? Why don't white Christians see the need to take care of the poor? In Kenya poverty is so blatantly in front of us, knocking at our car windows, living next door. I will admit that I've struggled with my own response to poverty in Kenya. But one thing I do know is that when a Kenyan friend needs help, I can try to help. I don't mean handing out money. That does no good here. But providing a job when I can and helping a friend find a job, those are things I can do.

I'm frustrated that people I love in Kenya are treated so poorly by the people who are supposed to be here to help. I feel hopeless and helpless. We always say that we can't help Kenya because it will never be fixed of the corruption and poverty. And we can only help one person at a time, the people who come along our path. I hope I do this - help the people who God puts across my path. But when I see others in the position to help those along their path and they continually don't, I want to SCREAM! Where are the real Christ-like Christians? And have I been one of those at times who has stood by when I could have helped? Dear Lord, I hope not.

A challenge to everyone, including myself... Who has God put across your path recently? And did you help them?

I need to know that there are people out there helping people in need because in Kenya, where there are more relief agencies than almost anywhere in the world, I'm not seeing much of it. If you can, post a comment telling me a good story of helping someone in need. Anyone out there?

My optimism needs your story.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A look back...

Today I took some time to read my blog from its beginning, and I was reminded of a few things...

I'm super cheesy and a big dork! :)

Kenya is a beautiful country.

I've been blessed a LOT in the last two and a half years here.

God's plan certainly was not what I had in mind.

Looking back, I see all the wonderful things that happened in Kenya, the friends I've made, the adventures I've had, and it makes me think... What does Kenya still have for me? We have less than six months in Kenya, which causes us to think of the things we want to do before we leave. Most of our agenda involves the friends we want to spend time with and the places we want to visit. But I also want to leave with the awe in which I arrived, remembering that Kenya is a magical place for me and always will be. (See, I am a cheesy dork!) I'll stop bla-bla-bla-ing for now, but one last thought... If so much happened in Kenya, it's exciting to think what Hungary holds for us!