Thursday, January 27, 2011

We're moving!

Where in the world are Will and Kim going next?...

Last weekend I went to London for an international job fair. This is how it went:

Two full days of interviews,
getting pep talks from Will via phone and skype,
being nervous,
being excited,
second interviews,
more emotions,
talking with new friends from all over the world,
gossip about good schools and bad schools,
some rejections,
and finally...

I was offered a grade 4 or 5 position at the American International School of Budapest! Of all my interviews that weekend, Budapest was my first choice. The school. The location. The cost of living. The pay. The possibilities. Will and I are very excited for the next adventure. We move in six months! There are lots of possibilities for Will in Budapest as well, but we don't have to worry about it yet. Honestly, this school and this city in this country are completely a "God thing". We know He's opened these doors, and we're excited to jump through them! Thank you to all who have been praying for us as we went through this process and made our decision. You have been a great blessing to us!

So who is going to come visit us in Hungary? We're close to the beaches of Croatia, the beer in the Czech Republic, and everywhere in Europe is only a train ride away! Our guest room will be awaiting you!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

There and back again

We were in America for Christmas...

And now we're back...
It was wonderful to be with family and friends and get a break from the chaos of Kenya.
hung out
ate some more
caught up on movies (mostly on airplanes)
got joint checking
ran errands
enjoyed family and friends.

It was a much needed break, but I will admit that I liked coming home to sunshine and warm weather in Kenya. Now I just need to get over jet lag by Monday because it's back to work I go. No matter how many times I go back and forth and travel over time-zones, the jet lag feels like I was hit by a semi-truck every time. Any jet-lag remedies out there?